23 Weird List of Foods Vegetarians Can’t Eat

What can vegetarians not eat list?

list of foods vegetarians can't eat
List of foods vegetarians can't eat

Today we wanted to write an article about a list of foods vegetarians can’t eat. It one of the main things, food or products or meals that you know, people usually think are vegetarian, but they aren’t.

So if you’re a fellow vegetarian or maybe you’re vegan or pescetarian or ketogenic, maybe you can read this and find it helpful.

Then if you’re not a vegetarian maybe those find it interesting, because sometimes it’s kind of weird, what’s in our food that we don’t even realize.

Being a vegetarian or vegan it’s all a learning process. It’s okay if you’ve eaten these things your whole life, not thinking if there were animal products and meat products in them. It’s just you know it’s the way of life. We all learn things.

So we’ll get the list of foods vegetarians can’t eat, and we’re not saying you’re a bad vegetarian if you accidentally eat these, because we all have them multiple times.

Soups – vegetarians can’t have

Fresh vegetable soup in a bowl.

One of the first things that many people struggled with a lot is vegetable soups. If it’s like a French onion soup you’re not expecting there to be any animal products in it or especially like meat products in it.

So vegetable soups made with chicken broth. This is honestly why we feel like it’d be just as easy to make it with vegetable broth, but no they have to make it with chicken broth. As a vegetarian, you can’t eat it.

So you have to be more careful about that. There is some tomato soup, that they make with chicken broth. So you feel like that was very disappointing.

Make sure you read the ingredient list on the back or talk to someone if you’re at a restaurant or something, just to make sure.

Chicken stock/broth can also be found and different rice’s and stuffing so you can keep that in mind for those products as well.

Vegetarians can’t eat – Gelatin

jelly cubes
Group of lime and strawberry fruit-flavored jelly cubes.

The next big thing that we feel like most people know about, but some people don’t know about is gelatin. As we know, Gelatin is made of either animal fat or animal bones which in our opinion is nasty and you do not want to eat that.

It’s just disappointing because it’s in a lot of stuff. It is in jello, marshmallows, gummy bears you know anything with gummies.

You’d better try to avoid gelatin, but it’s hard because you don’t always remember or like we mean for someone like more of a new vegetarian.

You would always forget and you used to work somewhere where there was just like being gummy bears are like go and snack on them, and then you realize that it’s gelatin.

Luckily there are some vegan gummy bears on the market. They’re not bad you can feel a difference, but you can look into that or some other stuff that would not have gelatin in them.

It would be candy corn or rice krispies some cereals like lucky charms always say those little marshmallows and then frosted mini-wheats. So we think that’s the full scoop on gelatin.


Block of pork lard unwrapped, open with parsley.

Is lard vegetarian? A semi-solid white fat product obtained by rendering the fatty tissue of pigs.

It is distinguished from tallow, a similar product derived from the fat of cattle or sheep. Lard can be rendered by steaming, boiling, or dry heat. So lard is not vegetarian, and you can’t eat it.


Pile of french fries.

So then we have another section of just like other animal fat products and that is fries. So some fast food places like fry their French.

Fries and stuff and animal fat oil instead of like peanut oil, coconut oil, or something like that. So just be aware and be conscious if that’s something you don’t want on your fries.

Many people love so French fries are something they always get. But then sometimes they’re really bad about trying to check if it has like animal fat or like what kind of grease or like rubbing thing they use. As an example, McDonald’s doesn’t use animal fat for their fries.


Wooden plate with different kinds of hard cheese.

That can sometimes be like an actual animal-like body. It sounds so weird in it because obviously milk comes from cows and that’s what makes cheese but bacon is sometimes used to like flavor cheese.

A lot of harder like aged cheeses such as Parmesan (Parmigiano-Reggiano) and Gruyère things like that, have rennet it in it, which is derived from a calf stomach that can’t eat vegetarians.


Cheesemaker pours the rennet with a syringe.

Pretty weird? It is some cheeses, cheeses it could also be in cheesecake, like basic Parmesan, use an enzyme called rennet. That is found in the stomach lining of goats and calves.

Luckily, They use vegetable rennet or microbial enzymes, making them safe for vegetarians to consume.

Caesar salad – that vegetarians can’t eat

Caesar salad with parmesan cheese.

The miscellaneous tab of stuff that could not be vegetarian. Well, the top one is the caesar salad.

Caesar salad is made with anchovies or at least the dressing usually is and anchovies are fish. So that is not vegetarian. At least for most people’s version of vegetarian.

You are going to order a salad at a restaurant with a lot of dressings at the restaurant foodstuff. Typically have some kind of animal-like fat in it, or it’s made with anchovies such as caesar dressing.

And then we could also have parmesan cheese which we just learned could now have rennet in it. Which is nasty so yeah beware of the caesar salad.

Also, some candies can be made with Beetlejuice like smushed up bugs, Super gross and also some barbecue sauces are made with like smoked, you know bacon or whatever they put in it to make it taste,

but some of them are you know vegetarian and like non-made with meat.

Some chips – you can’t eat as a vegetarian

Potato chips
Potato chips.

That was like bacon-flavored and we don’t even have bacon in it or like any Pig product. So sometimes they just flavor with like maples. So that is something to look at on the back labels of food.

This might seem obvious but a lot of times use this animal fat to flavor it. Of course, certain brands don’t animal flavor in there, check the ingredients.

A lot of this just comes down to looking at the ingredient list knowing what you can and can’t eat such as gelatin, carmine you know anything like that beef fat, chicken stock things like that.

Those are just obviously foods vegetarians can’t eat. So you have to personally check the ingredients on everything.


Pesto with green basil in a wooden bowl.

This is what started this whole train of process and train of learning pesto is not the chip well they do make vegetarian pesto because usually, it’s just like basil and pine nuts, olive oil things like that.

We recommend if you’re vegan or vegetarian make your own at home, because chances are the ones at the store contain the Parmigiano in it. Which now we know Parmigiano has a calf stomach in it.

Some cereals – vegetarians can’t eat

Oat flakes
Oat flakes.

We know, what you’re thinking what the hell is in cereal? That is made from animal frosted mini wheat that was weird to learn there’s gelatin in it.

Which if you didn’t know gelatin is derived from animal bones like hooves and stuff like that so it is not vegetarian.

Lucky Charms

A bowl of colored lucky charms.

Because guess what? Lucky Charms have rennet. You cannot eat as a vegetarian. So we included it in our list of foods vegetarians can’t eat.


A heap of marshmallow.

They do make vegetarian marshmallows. We’re not sure if you can buy at a regular grocery store or gifted by a specialty store like Whole Foods or nugget.


Hostess twinkies.

This is one that sometimes you’ve heard of before. Twinkies contain beef fat.


Piece of cheesecake with fresh strawberries.

We know there could be gelatin in it. So just make sure you pay attention to the ingredients list on your cheesecake.

We are not sure if you go to a restaurant like I’m not one to ask at a restaurant does your cheesecake have gelatin in it? No no, if they’re gonna tell you, you know this.

Check if you’re buying another store or something check the ingredients to see if gelatin is in fact in it.

Some dips

Caramelized onion dips.

Especially of the caramelized onion variety, so the caramelized onion dips were good at Trader Joe’s I looked at the ingredients there was gelatin in it.

I think it just makes it that kind of like gelatinous consistency that some dips have. This probably an obvious one to many of you guys.

Jelly candy, a lot like gummy bears and worms you know those kinds of jelly candies have gelatin in them of course. However all “Sour Patch Kids” vegan.

Worcestershire sauce

A bottle of Worcestershire sauce.

Worcestershire sauce has anchovies in it. Now, these produce guys probably don’t use this regularly.

Fried beans

Handhold plate of fried beans.

Are often mistaken for being vegetarian because they’re just beans right mash-up beans but a lot of times have animal fat in it. But they do make vegetarian can recite beans you’ll be able to buy those in large grocery stores.

White sugar

White sugar in a wooden bowl.

This one we learned back in high school that they use bone char to whiten it.

Vanilla ice cream

Bowl with vanilla ice-cream.

This one was interesting there’s a natural flavoring ingredient so you don’t even know if it’s in there, but if it’s analyzed your missus natural flavoring added or whatever that chose to be castoreum it’s beaver budgies.

There’s this juice of that beavers used to like to mark their territory I think or like mark their scent and a nice flavor and aroma to vanilla ice cream so there you go.

Orange juice

A Glass of fresh orange juice and orange with orange leaves

So a lot of orange juice is incorporated with omega-3, because you know we all know that we did omega-3 but orders just have Omega-3 which is usually direct from fish.

However the Tropicana brands and Pepsi brands. We guess Pepsi makes or shoes I don’t know our safety and are vegan.

Red candy

Red cinnamon candies.

This one it’s kind of like the scandal that happened with Starbucks because they were using carmine. We think and one of their syrups that made something red carmine is ground-up beetles, which beetles are still animals.

They are on this earth we don’t kill things to eat them you know in plans so if you ever see an ingredient this is the natural red number for that is carmine and you’re eating field juice.


Two glasses of alcohol with ice cubes.

The next one is alcohol which not all alcohol obviously. By just sharing but some stuff they like a filter through like animal parts.

So some alcohol could be non-vegetarian honestly. As a vegetarian, you don’t think you are gonna look at that deep into it. Whenever you want can drink.

This ingredient is called isinglass. It’s derived from a fish bladder and for the clarification process of the beer and wine however, it’s not actually in the final product.

So when you’re drinking it, you’re not actually drinking and fish bladder. But it is used in the process of making beer and wine.

So it just gets down to like you know how picky do you want to be with your vegetarian or veganism you know what we mean.

Vitamins – that vegetarians can’t take

Omega 3 capsules from Fish Oil.

So like this is kind of obvious, but vitamins are made with like fish oil or like whatever, we are taking this one. And also many people drink milk, but it was just weird to think that would be an in the vitamin.

Definitely pay attention and see what is in your food. Because we are taking it by surprise and it might make you not want to eat it anymore.

Conclusion of our list of foods vegetarians can’t eat

So, that is the conclusion of our list of foods vegetarians can’t eat, and the conclusion of this article. We are sure there’s a lot of other things that can be non-vegetarian that we just did to cover.

So we don’t want to say it, but the point of us mentioning it. Just that you don’t know what could be used.

You know maintain the life of your food or just the added to your food or partially add it to your food with like chicken broth it’s not actual chicken, but it’s like soaking water that was by the chicken. so there’s just a lot to kind of consider.

When you think about what you put in your body and like what you eat, but we mentioned it before. We don’t want to make any vegetarians feel bad. So this is just kind of wanted to bring it to your attention.

We also think it’s kind of an interesting topic to talk about. On our personal note, we love being vegetarian. We think there are always usually way better options that include just good fruits and vegetables instead of meat.

So those are our list of foods vegetarians can’t eat.

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