Health Benefits of Rose Apple Fruit – Varieties & Propagation

Is Jambu good for health?

Health Benefits of Rose Apple Fruit
Health Benefits of Rose Apple Fruit - Varieties & Propagation

Rose apple fruit is a very tasty, nutritious, and medicinal fruit as well as a popular crop as a garden ornamental plant since ancient times. The rose apple plant is equally beautiful when it is full of flowers and full of colorful fruits.

How does Rose apple taste?

What is the taste of water apple? The rose apple fruit has a crisp watery, soft consistency and a light sweet taste reminiscent of pears, cinnamon, and rosewater. Its flavor is similar to a pear, and the liquid to flesh ratio of the rose apple is comparable to a watermelon.

Origin and distribution of rose apple fruit

Red rose apple fruit is considered endemic to the Andaman and Nicobar Islands from Malaysia. Red rose apple and bell fruits species are popular in Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, and Taiwan.

Sand rose apple is considered to be native to Malaysia and is native to many parts of India, Southeast Asia, and the Pacific Islands. The Malay apple is said to be endemic to western Malaysia.

It is also said to belong to India, Malaysia, or Southeast Asia.

Commercially, rose apple is widely grown in Malaysia, Australia, Central, and South America. Reports indicate that commercial crops in Taiwan are more developed.

The reddish rose apple fruit was born or is native to the Philippines. But it is a fruit that grows well in countries like Thailand, Malaysia, Nepal, Indonesia, and Sri Lanka.

The rose apple stalks should be thoroughly washed, cleaned, and eaten. The scientific name for the vitamin-rich rose apple fruit is Syzygium samarangense.

Jambu is a tree that provides good shade and coolness due to its branching and leaf nature. Ripe rose apple fruit is a popular and tasty fresh fruit especially among children.

There are many varieties of rose apples in those countries. These varieties are mainly grown as single plants in home gardens. Rarely are several varieties grown in the same garden.

Although all these varieties are called Rose apples in the common, there are several other practical names according to the variety. These are red rose apple, dew rose apple, sand rose apple, big rose apple, overseas rose apple, and boneless rose apple.

What is rose apple good for?

A bowl filled with rose apple
A bowl filled with rose apples.
  • Rose apple fruit has a wonderful ability to develop memory.
  • Rose apple fruit is good for those who suffer from bleeding with stools. Do you suffer from constipation? Then eat rose apple fruit to avoid that situation.
  • The fruit is also suitable for hemorrhoid patients.
  • Be sure to eat rose apple regularly as it is good for diarrhea. But that does not mean eating rose apple every day.
  • Rose apple fruit is great medicine for those who are overweight. Reduces obesity and normalizes the body.
  • A person who has difficulty urinating can avoid this problem by eating rose apple fruit.
  • Rose apple fruit is good for the stomach.
  • It is also suitable for people suffering from diabetes.
  • It is a remedy for the enlargement of the liver.
  • Rose apple fruit relieves diarrhea.
  • Eating rose apple heals old wounds.
  • Rose apples have the ability to eliminate the flu.
  • The rose apple fruit adds wonderful energy to the teeth. It strengthens the gums and prevents bleeding from the gums in the mouth.
  • Do you know what to do to improve eyesight? Eating rose apple fruit improves eyesight.
  • Maintains bone function well. Prevents decay.
  • A heart-healthy fruit.
  • Do not be afraid to eat rose apple fruit as it is good for cancer.
  • Invigorates the body.
  • It is good for food as it is good for anemia.

Those are the benefits of rose apples.

Negative of rose apple:

  • Rose apple fruit is also allergic to patients with kidney disease because it is high in potassium.
  • Rose apple fruit is also not suitable for people with inflammation and itching of the body.
  • If you have a severe cough, you should avoid eating rose apples.
  • Too much rose apple food is bad for people with severe constipation.

The main nutrients and nutritional value of rose apple

rose apple fruit
Rose apple fruits & half.

Nutrition containing 100 g of rose apple

  • Energy: (kcal) 55
  • Water: 85.3 g
  • Protein: 0.7 g
  • Fat: 0.3 g
  • Carbohydrate: 12.4 g
  • Thiamine: 0.01 mg
  • Myosin: 0.4 mg
  • Vitamin K: 12 mg
  • Sodium: 26 mg
  • Potassium: 55 mg
  • Calcium: 11 mg
  • Magnesium: 35 mg
  • Phosphorus: 12 mg
  • Iron: 1.1 mg
  • Copper: 0.23 mg

Rose apple varieties

01. Red rose apple, Wax apple, Java apple, Water apple, Wax jambu Syzygium aqueum (Burm.f.) Alston

red rose apple
Red rose apple fruits in a glass bowl.

Here the ripe fruit is shaped like a shell with a reddish shiny waxy surface appearance. Slightly smaller (10-20 g) than other rose apple species. Red rose apple is one of the most popular and common home gardens. This is a sweet, sour-tasting fruit.

02. Dew Rose apple (Malay apple) Syzygium malaccense (L.) merr. & Perry

Water rose apple fruit
Malay rose apple fruits.

Dew rose apples have long been as common as red rose apples. The dewy rose apple species is pear-shaped, white to light pink, larger than the average red rose apple (40-50 g).

Dew rose apple apricot is a white sour sponge-like structure with a generally sour taste but not so tasty. The percentage of water here is high. Dew rose apple is a taller (about 5-20 m) plant than other rose apple species. In folklore, dew is also used as a large rose apple for rose apple.

Dew is also abundant on the rose apple plant, especially on the main stem and branches of the plant. These flowers, with their bright dark pink pollen, are a beautiful sight. The pollen, which falls during the flowering period, looks like a pink carpet under the dewy rose apple trees.

03. Overseas Rose apple (Bell fruit) Syzygium samarangense (Blume) Merr. & Perry

Half rose apple on the pile
Half rose apple on the pile.

Overseas Rose apple, Ruby gaint, Overseas rose apple (green species), Overseas Rose apple Ruby drop

Some of these rose apples are found varying in shape, color, and size from the usual red rose apple. It comes in attractive colors and shapes such as white, red, pink, red, rose apple, and green, and weighs about 35-75 grams.

04. Sand rose apple, sugar rose apple (Rose apple, Malabar plum, Jambu, Chom pu, Pomme rose) Syzygium jambos (L.) Alston.

sand rose apple
Sand rose apple.

These are pale yellow, white, or yellowish pink oval-shaped fruits. Sand rose apple heads are considered to be endemic to Sri Lanka, while other wild species are also found in the wild, especially in the wet zone.

According to the books, the most popular species of rose apple locally in the past was the sand rose apple. But nowadays it is almost invisible in backyards, and red and rose apple have taken that place. The flowers of these rose apple species are light green or have a large number of greenish stamens.

Due to the attractive color, size, weight, taste, and appearance of the fruit of these rose apple species, these rose apple varieties are now popular as a fruit as well as a landscaping plant and as a home garden crop in wet and intermediate zones.

These rose apple varieties are believed to have been imported to Sri Lanka in the 1980s along with other landscaping plants from countries such as Malaysia and Thailand. There are times when the country rose apple is also used as dew rose apple.

Climate requirements and soil

Rose apple species grow well in tropical or near climates. Red rose apple grows well in lowland and central as well as upcountry. It is found in almost all parts of South and Southeast Asian countries under cool climates.

Rose apple is not found in very low-temperature areas. More developed varieties of rose apples can be grown well in wet, intermediate, and dry zone areas. Sand rose apple is more prevalent in wet zone areas.

Dew rose apple grows successfully in wet zone upcountry areas with a warm humid environment. It does not tolerate prolonged drought and large temperature changes. However, extremely dry and hot climates are not suitable for rose apple cultivation.

Propagation rose apple tree

Rose apple can be easily propagated by seeds. Since rose apple seeds have a short lifespan, it is important to plant them in the field or in pots as soon as the seeds are removed from the fruit.

Alternatively, you can place the seedlings in sand nurseries and then select the better grown healthy seedlings and plant them as required. For rose apples, it is better to prepare the seedlings with growth promoters.

Quality seedlings can be produced by transplanting stem obtained from a high-quality mother tree using seedlings as receptors. Here the wedge graft is more successful. During growth propagation, seedlings can be produced by partial pruning of the rose apple plant and by aerial rooting (branching).

Cultivation practices

Although good sunlight is important for successful cultivation, rose apple grows well under normal shade conditions. Well in different soil types in a well-drained area. Growing rose apple, it can be grown successfully even in barren soil.

Pruning also controls the height and canopy of the plant and maintains the structure of the plant. It is also possible to grow rose apple seedlings prepared from growth promoters as pot cultivation.


Rose apple Fruit on a tree
Rose apple Fruit on a tree

Although it takes about 03 years for a seedling to bear fruit, fruiting occurs in about 1 1/2 – 2 years after transplanting. Large rose apple fruits, simultaneous ripening of fruits, and shedding of well-ripened fruits are notable factors.

It is important to harvest the ripe fruit carefully before ripening and to pack it carefully so that it does not get damaged as it is soft.

Diseases and pests

Pests that damage the rose apple plant or fruit are less common. Damage to fruit flies is sometimes found in rose apple fruits of the overseas rose apple (Bell fruit) variety. It is advisable to use bait for fruit flies as recommended for this.

The attraction of ants to the rose apple fruit also affects the quality of the harvest by the presence of ants in the closed part of the fruit. Rose apple leaves are also infested with Psyllid. As you can see, dewdrops are more susceptible to this. Blisters appear on the leaves.

Advice: Senior Ayurvedic Dr. Mangala General Secretary. Ayurvedic Teaching Hospital, Sri Lanka.
Fruit Research & Development Institute (FRDI) Sri Lanka.

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