Top 14 Health Benefits of Going Vegan

Things that happen in our body when we go vegan

health benefits of going vegan
Vegan diet may lose some weight

Today many people are choosing to go vegan. There are many health benefits to a vegan diet or a diet that excludes animal products. This will not only change your body, but it can have a positive impact on our planet.

Vegans can experience some things differently from vegetarians and meat-eaters, from the health of their bones and joints and to how well they sleep at night. Here are the major health benefits of going vegan.

Vegetips wants to share with you exactly what happens to us when we go vegan.

1. Lower the level of cholesterol in the blood

Lower the level of cholesterol in the blood
Lower the blood cholesterol

You do not definitely need to have high blood cholesterol levels. High blood cholesterol levels are a major factor in serious diseases. If you are in the United States, remember that heart disease and stroke are deadly diseases.

So what happens when you stop eating meat? When people eat plant-based animal-free foods, their blood cholesterol levels drop by 35%. In a country with one in four deaths from heart disease, that 35% means the difference between life and death.

2. One of the main benefits of going vegan is you can sleep better

You can sleep better
Better sleep with a vegan diet

This is because people who are vegetarians usually eat a high-fiber diet and low in saturated fat. Animal-based foods are high in protein and fat and require a lot of energy to digest. A study by the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine has shown that this can be a great recipe for a good night’s sleep.

With a plant-based diet, you often eat more complex carbohydrates, which stimulate the release of serotonin. This means that you can get a good night’s sleep by eating starchy foods like rice and potatoes before bed. These foods also have a low glycemic index, which helps keep your blood sugar stable over time.

3. You may lose some weight

You may lose some weight
Vegan diet may lose some weight

Eating vegan foods eliminates most of the bad foods that cause weight gain. Animal by-products such as meat and milk contain bad fats that block (clog) your arteries. Several studies have shown that a lack of vegan food can affect your weight (US National Library of Medicine).

In another study conducted by (US National Library of Medicine), both adults and children who followed a vegan diet consumed less protein, cholesterol, and saturated fat. Children lost an average of 6.7 pounds (3.1 kg) during the study period after eating a vegan diet. Obesity and being overweight are more common in the lives of meat-eaters than those who eat vegan foods. So being vegan means you will enjoy a slender life.

4. Your hormones may change

Your hormones may change when going vegan
Your hormones may change when going vegan

Soy may be a good meat substitute, but overeating can harm your body. This can happen if you regularly replace meat protein with soy protein. Having a lot of soy can disrupt your thyroid gland which is responsible for your hormone control and balance. This can lead to an imbalance, which means finding other substitutes can be healthy.

5. Your joints are less inflamed

Your joints are less inflamed
Joints are less inflamed

Foods such as meat, butter, cheese, burgers, and processed foods are high in saturated fat, which can cause inflammation in your joints (US National Library of Medicine). Some inflammation is right, of course, quite natural, and problems start when you have chronic inflammation. Chronic inflammation is associated with atherosclerosis, heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and autoimmune diseases.

New research (US National Library of Medicine) shows that a plant-based diet, especially a vegan diet, can help with the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. One reason for this is that you do not eat as much saturated fat and you eat more foods that fight inflammation.

6. You taste things differently

You taste things differently
Taste things differently

Once you are vegan, you will find that some foods and drinks do not taste the same. Animal products and junk foods and that are high in salt, fat, and sugar can affect your taste buds. When you start a plant-based diet and cut down on animal products and fats, the sensitivity of your taste buds changes. This can mean that you will find a new love for food that you have never tasted before.

Another fact is that red meat contains high levels of a mineral called zinc, which regulates the ability to taste as well as other important functions of your immune system, according to national health agencies. If you eat less zinc, you may start to notice a different smell or taste.

However, you can get enough zinc for a non-vegetarian diet by taking a supplement or from vegetable sources such as mushrooms, chickpeas, kidney beans, tofu, kale, and whole grains.

7. You become more bloated

You become more bloated
Become more bloated

Eating vegetables such as lentils are also legumes, broccoli, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts, which means that your stomach is full of excess gas (Tufts University Health and Nutrition letter). This may lead you bloated, as your body is unable to process all the fibers.

It is therefore recommended to drink more water on a vegan diet to ensure that your digestive system digests your food healthily.

You can try some yoga practice to overcome these bloating, forward bends, twists, and many more postures, Helps to stimulate the digestive system and keep you regular.

8. Your skin may be clearer

going vegan your skin may be clearer
Going vegan your skin may be clearer

What we eat directly reflects our skin. Researchers have found that nuts and vitamins A and E play a major role in keeping your skin healthy. Avocados, raw red sweet peppers, mangoes, kiwi fruits, raw turnip greens, and cooked sweet potatoes are some of the foods that contain vitamins A and E.

Studies show that plant-based diets can eliminate acne and improve your overall skin health. By restricting your dairy intake and eating foods that are naturally rich in antioxidants, you are treating your skin. It seems that consuming large amounts of dairy can negatively affect your skin due to the hormones and steroids naturally present in them.

9. Your body odor changes

going vegan your body odor changes
Being vegan your body odor changes

In a study by researchers at Charles University in Prague, they found that women found men had more plant-based foods to smell sexier than omnivores. Although eating meat may release toxins, vegetables and grains also alter your scent (US National Library of Medicine). Some vegetables, such as cabbage and onions, contain large amounts of natural sulfur. When you include most of these in your diet, your sweat and breath will start to smell like food in your body.

10. Better breath is another benefit of going vegan

Better breath when going vegan
Better breath when going vegan

According to Colgate’s bad breath experts, foods high in bad protein, such as meat and cheese, often get stuck in your teeth and attract all sorts of bacteria that stink up your mouth. A plant-based diet in your mouth can help eliminate harmful bacteria. This means that your mouth will stay smelling fresh imagine if you wake up in the morning feeling refreshed.

11. You have more energy

You have more energy when going vegan
You have more energy when going vegan

Most people find it difficult to get up in the morning. But, if you switch to a vegan diet, It will no longer be an issue. A vegan diet seems to help boost your energy (Clinmed International Library) levels. Plant-based foods are easier for your body to digest, which means they don’t overwork as well.

When your digestive system is working too hard you will feel lethargic and low on energy. Following a vegan diet will keep your energy level high and you will find that you are more productive during the day.

12. Modified microbiome

Modified microbiome
Modified microbiome

There are trillions of microorganisms living in our bodies. This collection of tiny organisms are called a microbiome. They are actually good for your overall health. They help us digest, provide nutrients, and build our immune system, etc. However, we do not have some micro- microorganisms in our bodies. Some contribute to obesity, some to diabetes, and some to inflammatory bowel disease. Now that is icky.

Apparently when you switch to a plant-based diet. Your health will greatly improve fiber and the plants will encourage the growth of the good bacteria we mentioned earlier. And give your microbiome a much-needed makeover. You don’t even have to wait long either. As it only takes a few days for the revamped microbiome to kick in.

13. The risk of diabetes is low

Fruit and vegetable salad and glucose meter, the concept of diabetes.

According to (Pubmed gov), 38% of Americans have pre-diabetes. What you get before type 2 diabetes. With type 2 diabetes, you do not need to take extra insulin. You need to change your diet. Why not change it before it is too late? Turns out.

Plant-based vegan diets can reduce or even reverse the risk of developing diabetes. Whole grains are the best way to prevent diabetes. So break out that bread and start chowing down. Your insulin levels will thank you.

14. Accurate protein intake

Woman with measure tape
Woman with measure tape.

Did you know that not only is there the right amount of protein? Excess protein from meat and other animal by-products is stored as fat. Leads to many serious diseases. Thinking about trying to lose weight. Animal protein will stop that goal. Plant-based proteins, on the other hand, are actually very good for you. It protects us from the worst diseases in America. That way we too will live longer. Ask the oldest people in America where they get their protein.

So we have answered the question of what happens when you stop eating meat.

Have you tried to become vegan to get these health benefits of going vegan?

Tell us about your experience in the comments section below.

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